30th Sep Amplify Trading-How to polish your CV for a role related to the secondary market in Finance

30th Sep 2021 1pm London time

Amplify Trading (A.T.) is a UK based financial education firm. A.T. works with more than 80 universities across the world to help students gain an in-depth understanding of the roles in the financial industry through our award-winning role-play-based simulations. Furthermore, A.T. partners with prestigious financial institutions such as Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, and Citigroup to identify and train new graduate talents.

Mr. Xiaoyu Zhang - Head of China @Amplify Trading

Xiaoyu has 8 years of international financial market trading and training experience. Prior to joining Amplify Trading, he was a derivatives trader at Morgan Stanley in London. Xiaoyu has designed and delivered financial market courses for top financial institutions and universities around the world. Each year, he interacts with more than 4000 students and is a passionate career coach.

公司介绍:Amplify Trading (A.T.) 是一家英国金融培训公司。

主讲人: 张笑予 Xiaoyu ZHANG Amplify Trading 中国区总监

笑予老师拥有8年的国际金融市场交易及培训经验。在加入Amplify Trading之前,曾在摩根士丹利伦敦总部担任股票/股指衍生品交易员。他的一篇论文在欧洲应用经济学刊上发表。笑予老师多次为全球顶尖企业和大学设计课程并授课,其中包括摩根士坦利、国泰君安、香港大学、帝国理工等

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